Mitákuye Oyásʼiŋ is a phrase in the Lakota language and culture that loosely translates to “we are all related” or “all my relatives.” It is used by Lakota and non-Lakota alike. The phrase has been appropriated as an all-encompassing idea of inclusiveness. This exhibition is a reflective journey highlighting Lakota female perspectives surrounding this idea and concept of Mitákuye Oyásʼiŋ. The project aims to engage Lakota artists, scholars and general audiences to reflect on the (mis)appropriation of this phrase through mixed and multimedia installations. The exhibition provides an opportunity to share the Lakota language and build understanding within the Titonwan communities as well as Native and non- Native populations through the arts and culture.

Artists and Co-Curators: Layli Long Soldier (Oglala Lakota), Clementine Bordeaux (Sicangu/Oglala Lakota), Mary V. Bordeaux (Sicangu/Oglala Lakota) and Mikayla Patton (Oglala Lakota).
Community Participants:
The community participants contributed their thoughts and understandings to the exhibitions through interviews either through video and/or audio. These interviews informed the process of creating art in the exhibition.
● Jace Decory, Mniconjou Lakota - Video interviewee
● Dusty Nelson, Oglala Lakota - Video interviewee
● Anges Picotte, Oglala Lakota - Audio interviewee
● Mabel Picotte, Ihanktowan/Oglala Lakota - Video interviewee
● Vi Waln, Sicangu Lakota - Audio interviewee
● Autumn White Eyes, Oglala Lakota - Audio reading of a poem
Organized by Racing Magpie, Rapid City, South Dakota
Programming and Exhibitions at the Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans are made possible through generous support from: The Andrew Mellon Foundation; Art for Justice Fund, a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors; The Helis Foundation, the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Foundation; The Welch Foundation; The RosaMary Foundation; Greater New Orleans Foundation; National Performance Network; New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation; CAC President’s Council members: Valerie Besthoff, Susan & Ralph Brennan, Dathel & Thomas Coleman, Robyn Dunn Schwarz and Andrew Schwarz, Aimée & Michael Siegel, Staci Rosenberg, Jane B. & Rodney Steiner, MK Wegman & Lisa Mount, Dian & Tom Winingder; and CAC Silver Circle members: Virginia Besthoff & Nancy Aronson, Jessica Bride & Nick Mayor, Jane Cooper & Bob Heaps, Leslie & Jonathan Fawer, John Foley, Tina Freeman & Philip Woollam, Gina Monette, Marcy H. Monrose Curtis & Charles Curtis, Greg Montgomery, Barbara & Biff Motley, Michael Schneider, Sharon SIlvers, Jane & I. William Sizeler, and Gretchen & Scott R. Wheaton. We are also grateful for the generous in-kind support from The Domain Companies; Corporate Realty; and Old No. 77 Hotel and Chandlery; as well as our community partners: Mr. Wolf; Loyola University; Dancing Grounds; Prospect New Orleans; Voice of the Experienced; and Women with a Vision.