H₂O is an exhibition that brings together artists from different backgrounds and cultures to explore water in all its forms. From polar ice caps to steaming geysers, water is found all over our planet and everywhere it exists, so does life. Multi-disciplinary performance and visual artists will speak to the power and sanctity of this simple molecule without which life as we know it would not be possible.
H₂O is curated by CAC's Multidisciplinary Arts Curator. Antonak is a sculptor, a milliner, and a Wolf Clan member of the Oneida Indian Nation of New York. She holds a BFA from Bard College, an MFA from SUNY New Paltz, and has studied at Lacoste School of the Arts, France and Vermont Studio Center. She is currently the Multidisciplinary Arts Curator at the Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, the Board Chair of the Indigenous Women’s Voices Summit, Hurleyville, NY and serves as a Yale University Morse College Fellow, New Haven, CT. Erin has worked in various museums and art galleries developing, designing, and building exhibitions for over 20 years. She has organized and curated shows in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Inter[SECTOR] is the CAC's three-year multidisciplinary program that is focused on cross-sector engagements between visual and performing artists and activists in the community who are working in the areas of carceral justice, healthcare, and the environment.
Programming and Exhibitions at the Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans are made possible through generous support from: The Andrew Mellon Foundation; Art for Justice Fund, a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors; The Helis Foundation, the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Foundation; The Welch Foundation; The RosaMary Foundation; Greater New Orleans Foundation; National Performance Network; New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation; CAC President’s Council members: Valerie Besthoff, Susan & Ralph Brennan, Dathel & Thomas Coleman, Robyn Dunn Schwarz and Andrew Schwarz, Aimée & Michael Siegel, Staci Rosenberg, Jane B. & Rodney Steiner, MK Wegman & Lisa Mount, Dian & Tom Winingder; and CAC Silver Circle members: Virginia Besthoff & Nancy Aronson, Jessica Bride & Nick Mayor, Jane Cooper & Bob Heaps, Leslie & Jonathan Fawer, John Foley, Tina Freeman & Philip Woollam, Gina Monette, Marcy H. Monrose Curtis & Charles Curtis, Greg Montgomery, Barbara & Biff Motley, Michael Schneider, Sharon SIlvers, Jane & I. William Sizeler, and Gretchen & Scott R. Wheaton. We are also grateful for the generous in-kind support from The Domain Companies; Corporate Realty; and Old No. 77 Hotel and Chandlery; as well as our community partners: Mr. Wolf; Loyola University; Dancing Grounds; Prospect New Orleans; Voice of the Experienced; and Women with a Vision.