Michael Rohd

Michael Rohd

Born in Baltimore, MD, 1967
Lives and works in Phoenix, AZ

Michael Rohd is the founding artistic director of the 19-year-old ensemble-based Sojourn Theatre. He is author of the widely translated book "Theatre for Community, Conflict, and Dialogue." He is the lead artist for the Center for Performance and Civic Practice, where current projects include Civic Body, The Catalyst Initiative, a national program supported by The Andrew Mellon Foundation, and Learning Labs. In 2015, he received an Otto Rene Castillo Award for Political Theater and The Robert Gard Foundation Award for Excellence. Recent projects include leading a two-year Sojourn Artist-in-Residence collaboration with Catholic Charities, USA poverty reduction sites around the U.S.; a Sojourn partnership with Planning Commissions around the country utilizing civic practice in public engagement settings to help communities deal with difficult conversations and resource allotment; and, collaborating with theaters and universities around the country to mount locally specific projects. He was the 2013–2016 Doris Duke Artist-in-Residence at Lookingglass Theater Company in Chicago.


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